AIF – Stainless Steal Expert

Zero paper – AIF rises to the challenge

Acier inoxydable Fafard has a long history of innovation.
With over 35 years of expertise in providing the best engineering, design, manufacturing and installation services for stainless steel products through more than 50,000 completed projects, it was only natural for us to become a model company for preserving the environment.

Environmental solidarity

Because we are all part of the same community, our concern for reducing our environmental footprint has quickly become a top-level responsibility within our company. After several efforts, a thorough review of our processes and, most importantly, the increased commitment of all our team members, together we have succeeded in making a significant environmental contribution by becoming a paperless plant.

Industry 4.0 – The technology for achieving zero paper status

Our efforts to become a paperless plant, combined with our desire to respond ever more effectively to technological advances, have recently led us to make the shift to industry 4.0.
In addition to allowing us to take tangible action for the environment, this shift also ensures that we remain an innovation leader by not only meeting our partners’ current needs, but also by being at the forefront of their future needs.

An eco-friendly choice that increases efficiency

When we decided to become a paperless company, we quickly recognized all the advantages that this could bring in terms of daily efficiency: time savings, better productivity, greater flexibility and reduced risk of errors are just a few examples of the positive effects we are already noticing in our new practices.
Today, we are proud of the path we have taken and can say that after several years of reflection, trial and error, and visits to companies (benchmark), we have finally succeeded in our objective of considerably reducing our ecological footprint and we are thereby contributing, in our own way, to the well-being of tomorrow, while remaining at the forefront of innovation.